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- Wear of the ozone: the presence of cholrine and bromine in the air make a pit in the ozone, the effects can be serious for ous and the ecosystem.
- Weather change: Weather change is the increase of temperature throug CO2 also know greenhouse effect.
- Biodiversity loss: We destroyd species of animals and pants when we finish with their habitat.
- Population grow: In the last 60 years the population increase almost triple, the planet is saturate ,almost all the environmental problems originate for population grow.
- Deforestation: Housing development of hills destroyd our forests.
- Nitrogen cycle: The chemestry industry produce tons of nitrogen ,it could be toxic for humans and pollute the ground.
- Noise pollution: It is a big problem in Queretaro , noise pollution is caused for luad sounds and is harmful fro our healt.
- Excessive trash: The excessive trash cause healt problems and cover the pipelines.
- Subsoild pollution: Subsoild pollution is caused for chemical compounds and it is one of the biggest of enviromental.
- Watter pollution: Watter pollution is one of the biggest problems of enviromental pullution.
I´m agree becouse in Querétaro there are a lot of enviromental problems , I think that biodiversity loss is the most important problems in the planet becouse we´re destroyd our means.