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Kind of Pollution

  • Watter pollution:Industrial waste ,insecticides, pesticides and chemical waste pollute watter .
  • Air pollution:air pollution creates a strong smog and it could be toxic and dangerous for our healt .
  • Noise pollution : traffic, alarms , dogs barking and diferents sounds create noise pollution.
  • Termal pollution :also known like greenhouse effect is refer to addition of warm in the environment.  
  • Radioactve pollution: Radioactive pollution is  radioactive waste in the environment.
  • Light pollution: it is the excess of time with the lights on.
  • Soil pollution: overuse of  insecticides , chemical products and the incessant protuction of  trash pollute the soil and becames toxic for ous.


Actualy our society is living problems with the watter and not only affect humans , watter pollution afects animals and the soil.We pollute watter when we throw trash into the ocean, rivers and lakes also big industries pollute watter with their toxic waste. Wastewater pollute clean watter when we throw wastewater into de lakes and rivers, it is a big problema because we aren`t responsable about our acttions and also we throw away watter.

  Solution for Watter Pollution

  • One soluttion is bans throw plastic waste into the rivers, lakes and coasts. Throw plastic bags into the ocean kills marine animals like turtles and sometimes birds when they are hunting in the sea.
  • Another soluttion is bans throw toxic waste into the lakes, rivers and the ocean. The watter is contaminate when bigs industries throw their toxic waste into the watter.
  • One alternative is uses and dosen`t throw away the watter. We can close down the fauset of watter when we`re brushing our teeth.
  • One soluttion is protec coasts and clean it. There are a lot of coasts contaminated with human waste.
  • Another soluttion is bans throw wastewater into the oncean. Every year acuatic animals die becouse we destroyd their habiat with wasteater also we end with our most precios element.
We should take care of our actions



{ 2 comentarios... read them below or Comment }

  1. I think watter pollution is the most important problema , if we pollute watter we don´t have clean watter to drink or to watter plants

  2. Is important care a precious element like the wather. Is the principal element of the planet for live on this.
    We really have to take care.


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